Geolocation and Geofencing based attendance system | TruNtrance Powered by Biocube Technologies Inc.

Workforce Management (WFM) is a process whereby the company employs methods to enhance employee and organizational productivity. Integrating a time and attendance system with geolocation and geofencing is a measure in this direction.

Today, time and attendance software with geolocation and geofencing provide many benefits besides tracking real-time employee presence at a designated location and clock-in and clock-out during shift hours.

What is a Geolocation and Geofencing-based Attendance Management System?

A Geolocation Attendance Management System is a time-tracking solution for an organization’s workers. It shows the exact location from which they accessed the organization’s premises. Similarly, a geofencing AMS allows workers to mark their attendance within a specified radius.

So, a worker can’t mark attendance outside the radius with a geofencing AMS. Unfortunately, traditional solutions like RFIDs and chip cards are vulnerable and may cause time theft, as they are prone to proxy attendance.

On the other hand, new-age contactless biometric attendance management solutions like TruNtrance can ensure accountability in time tracking and attendance, as they are spoof-proof and tamperproof and require the person’s physical presence at the designated location to mark attendance.

TruNtrance - Employee attendance, visitor access management & employee activity monitoring solution | Geolocation and Geofencing based attendance system

Must Read | TruNtrance: Employee Attendance and Activity Monitoring Solution

Advantages of Geolocation & Geofencing Systems for Essential Workforce Management

Real-Time Attendance Records

Geofencing means an individual can mark attendance within a designated radius in an attendance management app. Many companies use centralized devices, demanding an individual’s real-time presence.

On the other hand, companies providing leniency to employees can track employee geolocation on a dashboard, further specifying the exact gate/terminal and device used for marking attendance.

The real-time attendance records curated by incorporating geolocation and geofencing in the attendance management system derive accurate check-in and checkout records. With this knowledge, the workers become more punctual and manage their time deficiencies accordingly.

Assures Compliance

Providing accurate data during compliance checks is essential to avoid hefty fines and meet labor laws and guidelines. Attendance management software with geolocation and geofencing summarizes employee working hours in detail, making the job easier during checks.

Also, Read | Mobile-based Time and Attendance System

Moreover, it leaves no room for errors during the audit because, as mentioned earlier, it will show real-time data. Additionally, if linked with a payroll management solution, it will derive accurate worker payments and assist the finance and accounting departments.

Furthermore, it makes managing overtime hours and payouts easier for the administration. It ensures that employees take adequate off-duty hours, leaves, and holidays, once again resulting in following state and government laws.

Saves Organization’s Cost

A significant advantage of a time and attendance solution with geolocation and geofencing is that it saves an organization money. Record accuracy helps derive accurate payouts for the workers and decreases unnecessary payouts.

Moreover, it helps curate accurate overtime payouts, which again saves money. The organization also gets a clearer picture of the workforce expense and monetary requirements for the upcoming quarter or year.

As a result, the organization’s stakeholders can make other monetary decisions with the saved costs. Furthermore, the organization saves itself from hefty fines because it follows compliance adequately and provides trustworthy reports.

Finally, the organization saves money, often lost due to time theft, wherein employees leave early or arrive late and ask their superiors to manage their attendance. The organization experiences monetary and productivity losses with the added burden on coworkers to complete tasks and meet deadlines.

Enhancing Workforce Productivity with Geolocation and Geofencing

Improved Time Management

Employees are more aware of their working hours by employing geolocation and geofencing-based attendance systems. Precise tracking ensures that employees adhere to their schedules more strictly, reducing late arrivals and early departures.

Increased Accountability

With accurate geolocation tracking, employees become more accountable for their presence. The knowledge that their location is monitored discourages time theft and fosters a culture of transparency and responsibility.

Better Resource Allocation

Organizations can analyze attendance data to understand employee availability better. This helps plan shifts, allocate resources, and manage workloads more effectively, ensuring optimal productivity.

Integration with Payroll Systems

Seamless Payroll Processing

Integrating attendance management systems with payroll solutions automates the calculation of working hours and overtime. This seamless integration reduces the likelihood of errors and ensures employees are paid accurately for their work time.

Simplified Overtime Management

Geolocation and geofencing-based attendance systems make it easier to track and manage overtime. Accurate records help in fair compensation and ensure employees are not overworked, contributing to a healthier work environment.

Enhanced Financial Planning

Accurate attendance data allows for better financial planning. Organizations can predict labor costs more accurately and allocate budgets more effectively, leading to more informed financial decisions.

Addressing Common Challenges with Traditional Attendance Systems

Reducing Time Theft

Traditional attendance systems like RFIDs and chip cards are prone to time theft through proxy attendance. Geolocation and geofencing systems eliminate this issue by requiring the employee’s physical presence within a designated area to mark attendance.

Preventing Fraud

Contactless biometric solutions ensure that only the rightful employee can mark attendance, preventing fraudulent practices. These systems are designed to be spoof-proof and tamper-resistant, providing higher security.

Enhancing Employee Trust

When employees know that the attendance system is fair and accurate, it builds trust in the organization. This trust can increase job satisfaction and a more positive workplace culture.

Implementing Geolocation and Geofencing Attendance Systems

Choosing the Right Solution

Organizations need to select an attendance management solution that fits their specific needs. Factors to consider include the workforce’s size, the work’s nature, and the existing technological infrastructure.

Training and Support

Implementing a new time and attendance system requires proper employee training and support. Comprehensive training ensures employees understand how to use the system effectively, reducing resistance and increasing adoption rates.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Regular monitoring and evaluation of the attendance management system are crucial to ensure it functions as intended. Organizations should collect employee feedback and make necessary adjustments to improve the system’s effectiveness.

The Future of Workforce Management: Technological Innovations

AI and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are transforming workforce management. These technologies can predict attendance patterns, identify anomalies, and provide insights that help better decision-making.

Enhanced Biometric Solutions

Future advancements in biometric technology will offer even more secure and convenient attendance solutions. Innovations such as facial recognition and voice recognition are set to revolutionize attendance management.

TruNtrance - Employee attendance, visitor access management & employee activity monitoring solution | Geolocation and Geofencing based attendance system


Time and attendance systems with geolocation and geofencing are the future of workforce management. The reliance on such solutions ensures accuracy and efficiency. However, it is one of the solutions that can provide a worker with real-time presence during shift hours.

Additionally, with accurate working hours, the organization no longer faces any compliance issues, and the stakeholders have an in-depth overview of the workers’ timestamps. Payouts become simplified if the attendance management solution is integrated with payroll software.

Biocube’s TruNtrance is an AI-powered employee attendance and visitor access management solution with geolocation, geofencing, contactless biometrics, liveness detection, and many more features. It is apt for organizations seeking a scalable workforce attendance management solution.

  1. What is geofencing in attendance systems?

    Geofencing in attendance systems allows employees to mark their attendance only within a specified geographical area, preventing time theft and ensuring accuracy.

  2. How does geolocation improve attendance tracking?

    Geolocation tracks employees’ location, ensuring they are present at the designated workplace when marking attendance, enhancing accountability and accuracy.

  3. Can geolocation and geofencing systems prevent time theft?

    Yes, these systems require the physical presence of employees within a designated area, making it impossible for employees to mark attendance on behalf of others, thus preventing time theft.

  4. How do geolocation and geofencing systems enhance compliance?

    These systems provide accurate, real-time data on employee attendance, ensuring compliance with labor laws and regulations and simplifying the audit process.

  5. Are geolocation and geofencing systems expensive to implement?

    The cost of implementation can vary, but the long-term benefits of accurate attendance tracking, compliance, and cost savings often outweigh the initial investment.

  6. What are the future trends in workforce management?

    AI and machine learning for predictive analytics, advanced biometrics for enhanced security, and IoT devices for comprehensive workforce management are among the future trends.