Biometric Boarding at Airport - Transforming Air-travel with IDenTrip Powered by Biocube!

Biometric Boarding: Carrying a boarding pass at airports is no longer required. Nowadays, passenger experiences have been completely transformed with biometric checkpoints with zero intervention from security personnel and waiting in queues to get passports and boarding passes vetted. 

The introduction of contactless biometric boarding became prominent during the pandemic, as face recognition allowed users to pass through checkpoints without touching anything. Hence, it diminished the spread of the contagious disease while providing a seamless travel experience.

Today, it has the same impact and much more because it revamps the passenger journey with multiple layers of quick security checks and heightened convenience.

What is Biometric Boarding?

Biometric boarding System uses face recognition or other forms of biometrics to verify the credibility of the traveler and pass through the checkpoints for boarding. Generally, a device with an app or software is installed at checkpoints with this technology, and it verifies the traveler’s biometrics against those registered in the records using artificial intelligence. 

So, it surpasses the traditional boarding pass and photo check but provides a more secure, cost-effective, and convenient way of managing digital identities.

3 Advantages of Biometric Boarding That Are Transforming Passenger Experiences

Using biometric boarding enables airports to flag passengers forging their identities and recognizing them instantly. Therefore, it safeguards the original identity holder, secures their digital identities, and prevents misuse.

It reduces the instances of identity fraud or theft at airports. The best solutions have built-in liveness detection, which helps avoid instances where false identity holders try to show a photo or video to bypass boarding checkpoints at the airport.

Simultaneously, the airport authorities can ensure that the person onboarded the flight is the same person who booked it. Manual checks, which are prone to errors, make such heightened security impossible.

Speeds Up the Airport Boarding Process

Biometric Airport Boarding is much faster than traditional boarding and doesn’t create long queues. Due to queues, the manual boarding process can generally take up to ten minutes, but most biometric boarding gates often remain without such queues and take a minute to five to pass them.

The heightened speed of boarding grants passengers a seamless travel experience. Moreover, using biometrics for boarding is much more convenient and user-friendly than manual boarding, as airport personnel could mistake an identity; however, AI-powered face recognition technology will flag if the person is on a checklist or has already boarded.

Paperless Journey

Travelers often need to remember their boarding passes at home and usually lose them. In such instances, linking biometrics to an online boarding pass could be a savior, as it allows one to pass through the boarding gates without interference.

Face recognition for verification at boarding checkpoints makes the journey wholly paperless and environment-friendly. Therefore, convincing passengers to switch to it is easy, as they trust their face as a digital biometric identity and can even contribute to the environment.

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Biometric Passenger Boarding was introduced in 2014; however, its use became prominent during the pandemic, as airport authorities also wanted to contain the spread of the contagious disease. 

Nowadays, it is widely adopted by travelers as it saves time, doesn’t require them to carry any physical boarding pass, and helps avoid queues. Moreover, it brings the trust factor into the passenger’s journey, as their digital identity is secure, and they can ensure that no other individual can pass through the gates under their names.

Contact us to learn about the contactless and paperless biometric technology that Biocube can implement at airports to improve passenger journeys and security.

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