biometric technology in education

Schools, colleges, universities, institutions, and training centers have significant issues like accuracy in time tracking, delivering quality training assurance, avoiding buddy punching, etc. Some of the challenges are devastating for the educational center and the teachers. Biometric technology has become a savior for the education system.

The penetration of biometric systems in the education industry is rising rapidly. According to a source, the application of biometric attendance systems in the education market is expected to grow from $47 billion in 2022 to $88.95 billion in 2030. Zero risk of proxy and accurate time tracking are the two significant factors driving this growth.

However, the attendance management system is a single benefit of the biometric solution. Its application extends toward ensuring controlled access, activity tracking, and more.

Application of Biometrics in the Education Industry

Real-Time Attendance Management

Pen, paper, and roll calls have become an old method of tracking student’s attendance in classrooms. They lack accuracy, waste the teacher’s and students’ valuable time, and can be manipulated. Even the RFID cards issued to tackle this issue can be misused by anyone for trespassing, getting access to unauthorized areas, and buddy punching.

Under such circumstances, face recognition technology has offered relief by eliminating such risks. Moreover, they are assisted with alert systems to inform administrators about real-time tampering or spoofing attempts. As a result, the security of the educational centers is completely enhanced while ensuring a higher presence of students in classrooms.

Biocube’s AttendFy is even more advanced as it allows the teacher to capture group attendance, saving valuable time. It is an apt solution for avoiding classroom bunking.

Classroom Activity Monitoring

According to a 2022 National Center for Education Statistics survey, 56% of the respondents reported “incidents of classroom disruptions from student misconduct.” Such behavior spoils students’ learning experience, derails in proceeding on chapters at the designated pace, creates disinterest among other students, eliminates the chance of clearing queries, makes the teacher disinterested in teaching the class, etc.

Face recognition systems that integrate into a smartphone or tablet can help monitor classroom activity and report incidences to the administrators in real-time. It gives the school authorities sufficient time to take precautionary measures to avoid outbursts among students.

Simultaneously, such a solution can help to monitor the classes in which the students are most participating, capture body posture during exams for detecting anomalies & offer medical assistance to the student or teacher on time, and even catch students helping their buddies by passing chits. Eventually, students would become independent and grow up to be thoughtful toward their future.

Transparency in Scholarship Fund Disbursement

Scholarship programs help less fortunate students to pursue their higher education goals and build a successful career. Unfortunately, the fund distribution process lagged in transparency, reducing the chance for the eligible beneficiaries to pursue their dreams.

In 2022 the government incorporated a biometric system to ensure the allocated students receive funds. The Aadhar-based biometric system helped to avoid duplication enhanced the faster disposal of funds, saved time, and provided accountability. The National Scholarship Portal (NSP) program recently restarted offering scholarships through biometric authentication.

The Aadhar-linked biometric system is an excellent measure of the Indian government; however, the method lacks convenience and makes the end user vulnerable to catching contagious diseases. The new-age biometric systems can overcome this problem with face recognition, palm/fingerprint scanning, or voice identification. If such a solution is linked with Aadhar or any other government-issued identity, it can offer the advantage of receiving funds remotely. 


Biometric technology has penetrated deeply into the education industry. It has vast applications revamping the end user’s convenience and security. The new-age systems have even eliminated the risks associated with traditional biometric solutions.

Contactless fingerprint or palm and face recognition will become two of the most commonly used biometric systems in most educational centers. Their application is boosting the trust of the end user in biometrics.

The penetration of biometric solutions is also extending beyond the education sector. Its multiple applications are handy in hotel & hospitality, travel, law & order, healthcare, border control, public distribution, and other industries.