biocube attendance system

Whether it’s schools or colleges, using attendance registers has been ongoing for decades. The usage of such a traditional student attendance management system significantly impacts classroom productivity in educational institutions. The drawbacks of these traditional student attendance management systems begin with minutes of roll calling and end with the manual correction of attendance and much more.

Today, we will uncover the three major disadvantages of registers or logbooks as student attendance management systems and conclude with the ideal way to resolve the problem of student attendance management.

3 Ways Attendance Registers Drain Classroom Productivity

1. Long Roll Call Durations

A teacher in a school often has 30-50 students in a class and is required to manage students’ attendance in each class with a roll call system. This system involves the teacher announcing the name of the student and the student and marking the attendance if the student says “present.”

Such a traditional system is still followed in many global educational institutions, directly impacting class productivity by consuming the valuable time of students and teachers.

2. Requires Manual Corrections

A teacher’s duty to validate the attendance logs continues beyond the classroom. The tutor must ascertain the total attendance in a month, quarter, and year to inform the student about low attendance and send formal letters. Currently, it involves manual attendance management on the register.

Also, students often come back to the teacher to get their attendance corrected. Therefore, the teacher has to re-evaluate a student’s or multiple students’ attendance at various times. Such a circumstance often arises within the class within the teaching duration. 

Therefore, a manual attendance system comes with this secondary and unavoidable drawback and demands extra effort from the teacher. The tutor further relays the new attendance record information to the administrator and the head, dean, or principal.

3. Decreases the Time for Q&A Sessions

Most classes in schools, colleges, universities, and institutions often end with question and answer sessions to clear the doubts of the students. However, a manual attendance system often drains the valuable minutes of the students that the students and the teacher could otherwise spend in a Q&A session.

Moreover, the bigger the classroom, the more time it will take to mark the students’ attendance. Therefore, classes in educational centers that stick to manual attendance registers often succumb to such a circumstance more often than one can imagine.


The disadvantages of manual attendance systems involving logbooks or registers are immense; however, time scarcity in Q&A sessions, long roll call durations, and manual corrections during the class are a few.

Switching to new technological advancements, such as face recognition attendance systems, can help resolve the problem of classroom productivity drainage via attendance registers or logbooks.

The new-age face biometric technology of Biocube incorporated in the AttendFy app allows the teachers to capture group attendance of up to 51 students simultaneously and enhances classroom productivity. Moreover, it resolves the ongoing problems of proxy attendance, bunking classes, and more. 

Consult or schedule a demo with our expert to learn about the advantages it can provide to your educational institution.

AttendFy - Student attendance
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