Face Recognition: What is it? How Does it Work?

Face Recognition is a technology devised for identifying and authorizing access to a person. It is also commonly used for marking attendance, ensuring on-field presence, account creation, and unlocking accounts.

According to Statista, this contactless biometric currently has an estimated market of $4.95 billion and is projected to reach $10.34 billion by 2030, with a CAGR of 11.10%. The enormous growth is attributed to its security enhancements in the healthcare, retail, and banking sectors. Other important factors include enhanced accuracy, transparency, and accountability.

Face Recognition: How Does it Work?

The individual facial characteristics of an individual are unique. A face recognition technology system works on this principle. It takes the following steps to function seamlessly:

  • Captures the multi-layered patterns of an individual, 
  • Stores it in a secure vault, 
  • It uses the stored picture or video to match the person trying to authenticate, and finally,
  • Authenticates upon successful matching.

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Although the steps might seem simple, different systems can take either minutes or seconds to process. It depends on whether the system has an in-built 1:1 or 1:N matching integration. The 1:1 is a process of matching the captured picture or video with each stored one in the data, whereas the 1:N processes the same information while matching the ‘N’ number of datasets in the storage.

Moreover, the face capturing is either done in 2D or 3D mode. During the face analysis, the face identification system notices the gap of one eye from another, of eyes from the forehead, special features, eye color, and so forth. After that, the information is processed into data and secured by encryption. It is a practice followed by brands specializing in biometric identity solutions.

Modern-Day Usage of Face Recognition System

Attendance Management

According to Smith’s 2020 study, 30% of adults in the US use face identification for employee attendance management as an acceptable means. So, the adoption came in handy during the pandemic. Moreover, it scaled up massively during the post-COVID-19 session. 

Nowadays, attendance through this contactless biometric technology has enabled teachers and employers to enhance the end user’s (student & employee) efficiency. Moreover, it has opened doors for managing the attendance of remote users.

Digital Account Opening & Accessing

Biometric authentication systems have become a big part of the BFSI industry. Nowadays, app or website users can create accounts through eKYC, video KYC, or live face detection facilities from their homes without the requirement of secondary verification.

Post-account opening, the user can even open accounts using biometrics. Face verification systems have proven a handy method of avoiding spoofing or tampering attempts, as many of them operate through liveness detection. 

There are two modes of liveness detection, namely, active and passive. The former requires replicating a gesture suggested by the system and uploading it. The latter detects the presence of the account holder without movements and grants or revokes access instantaneously. We have uncovered both aspects in one blog (It might come in handy).

Also Read | Future of Face Recognition Technology

Airport Access & Borden Control

Face identification systems have become very common in airports. They offer frictionless access to the traveler until they have boarded the plane. The baggage is linked to the digital biometric identity of the passenger and ensures safety. Moreover, the inclusion of a contactless biometric solution makes the journey of the traveler paperless and eliminates the need for standing in a queue for verification. Such a system makes the journey even more convenient. 

Boicube has leaped a bit forward in this area by providing detailed information about the passenger on a dashboard, helping airlines learn about their favorite drinks, snacks, and food items. It can help in offering a customizable and memorable experience to travelers. On the other hand, contactless biometric systems have even improved border security by removing the risk of tampering or spoofing and reducing instances of identity duplication.

Ensuring Correct Medicine Allocation

The enterprises in the healthcare industry have suffered a lot from fraudsters manipulating the system to steal medicines or medicare facilities assigned to another person. They have faced many lawsuits and have incurred hardships of financial loss.

The introduction of linking faces with digital records has resolved many of these problems. 

Moreover, face IDs in healthcare centers also enable administrators to learn whether a designated person is at the allocated location or not. It has also enhanced the efficiency of the employees and reduced the need for managing physical record files for verification.

Another benefit is that it allows the center to distribute the medical aid to the correct person. Some institutions also grant visitor access to designated persons during the allowed hours to avoid mishappenings and learn about the last visitor, which proves handy during post-investigations.


In summary, the face recognition system is a flexible technology that excels in a variety of fields. It improves security, provides astounding accuracy, and provides insightful data for study. The accuracy with which it can identify people—even under difficult circumstances—increases operational effectiveness for enterprises and organizations. 

It also gives decision-makers the option to track absenteeism, overall working hours, and on-premise presence in order to monitor labor habits. Resource allocation may be revolutionized, and productivity can be increased with this data-driven strategy. Additionally, the software’s contactless functioning guarantees its tamper- and spoof-proof nature, making it a dependable option for security applications and fostering confidence in a variety of contexts.

As this technology continues to enhance, it has the potential to change how we see security, data analysis, and efficiency in general in our networked society. It is a technology with a bright future because of its versatility and wide range of capabilities, which go far beyond its principal use in identification and verification. It will have a big impact on how our physical and digital environments continue to change, improving how we engage with technology and promoting safer, more effective environments.

Biocube’s TruFace, which is a part of the Identity-as-a-Service (IDaaS), is one such solution that offers advantages beyond such standard ones. For example, it comes backed with multifaceted capturing for group attendance, no failure of identification even with obstacles like a mask, glass, etc., and 0.2-second face matching speed. Learn more about the advantages offered through TruFace powered by Biocube.

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