Mobile-based Time and Attendance Systems | Attendance system | TruNtrance

Mobile-based Time and Attendance Systems: Remote work has become popular globally. According to a 2023 report, 67.5% of the technology industry has fully or primarily remote workers. Therefore, a solution for managing the time and attendance of such staff has become critical.

The best time-tracking system tremendously impacts an organization, from better worker accountability and trust to distributed workloads and higher productivity. Moreover, including such a system reduces the managerial workload of supervision and delegation. 

Let us explore how a mobile-based time and attendance system benefits an organization in multiple ways. But before that, we begin with defining a time and attendance system.

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What is a Time and Attendance System?

A time and attendance system is a record-keeping method for the check-in and checkout logs of employees. It helps the organization keep track of the employees’ overtime, early checkouts, late checkouts, leaves, holidays, etc.

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What is a Mobile-based Time and Attendance System?

A mobile-based time and attendance system helps an organization to achieve the goals of time tracking software/application with hybrid and mostly/fully remote workers. This solution is primarily technology-driven and requires an employee’s physical presence at a designated location, as it captures the geolocation. 

Companies using advanced solutions also incorporate geofencing and geolocation into the software or app to prevent marking attendance beyond a radius. Today, contactless biometrics like face, voice, iris, eye, etc., with added liveness detection, have made such systems spoofproof and tamperproof.

5 Significant Benefits of Remote Time and Attendance Solutions

Remote time and attendance solutions resolve the critical problem of supervision and make the workers feel more comfortable with the working environment. They offer a high level of convenience to the employees and relief to organization stakeholders in terms of achieving higher productivity. They do so by providing the following benefits:

1. Higher Trust in Employee’s Working Hours

The leniency in the traditional system, with the intervention of supervisors or managers, made time tracking redundant and unreliable in terms of working hours. The new-age biometric time and attendance apps have resolved this problem. 

The best biometric time-tracking solutions require the employee to physically access the device with the registered biometrics, which can be centralized or on a personal device by the worker. A centralized device has the registered biometrics of the employees and is often installed on the premises.

Such a solution often consists of liveness detection, preventing workers from spoofing attendance with a video or photo or tampering using day-to-day methods. As a result, the organization can trust the workers to be present at the designated location.

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2. Better Coordination Without Any Dependency

Mobile-based time tracking system allows administrators to know about the leaves and holidays of workers worldwide. Therefore, the solution helps to make plans for coordinating work activities in advance to avoid damaging productivity.

Moreover, it doesn’t create unnecessary workload for some employees, as the attendance information is available to the administrators on the go.

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Such planning and organizing also help to determine the need for hiring new employees for timely work completion, which is highly beneficial in the real estate industry.

3. Regulating Overtime & Paid Time Off

Some employees are enthusiastic about working late hours and completing tasks before the deadline, which the company might think is a good effort. However, prolonged overtime can cause severe health problems, and global laws have guidelines for preventing such instances.

Keeping these aspects in mind, time and attendance tracking mobile app helps to capture the weekly overtime hours of employees worldwide.

Managers or supervisors can readily access this information and allow designated paid time off to such workers to prevent health issues, allot equal workload to other workers, prevent the organization from lawsuits, etc.

4. Automating Time & Attendance Management

A mobile-based attendance solutions can eliminate the requirement for keeping registers or logbooks and making digital entries post employee sign-ups, which is not only time-consuming but also prone to errors and proxy attendance.

Proxy attendance happens when someone else can mark the check-in or checkout of a colleague on their behalf without the person being present at the location. It results in time theft and payment for non-working hours, which has become a significant problem across industries.

A biometric time-tracking system eliminates this risk and automates the process of attendance management. Such a solution demands the employee’s physical presence to mark check-in or checkout and even captures the geolocation.

‘The accuracy in working hours helps to curate the correct payouts, reduces the organization’s working expenditures, and makes attendance management a convenient & trustworthy activity.

5. Remote Accessibility & Self-Service

Another advantage of a remote attendance system is that it provides employees on the go with a full view of the check-in and checkout logs. It even reduces the hassle of managing attendance correction requests within the system with website or app accessibility.

Moreover, such solutions work entirely in a self-service mode, which means they are easy to understand and don’t require physical supervision while registering or marking attendance regularly.

For example, a biometric attendance system with face recognition will require a one-time registration of the facial features and showing the face on the registered device upon arrival or exiting the premises. 

If face recognition is integrated into CCTVs or IP cameras, it can even reduce this need by managing attendance whenever the face of the employee is captured at the door. With this, the organization can also determine the in-office working hours.

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A mobile-based time and attendance system has become essential for organizations with a remote workforce. It is generally part of their workforce management solutions. Such software ensures higher trust in the workers’ check-in and checkout logs.

However, the advantages of mobile-based time tracking go beyond accuracy and dependability. They help to get insights on overtime, early check-in, late checkouts, leaves, holidays, and other factors that help manage the office workload and designate tasks based on employee availability.

Simultaneously, mobile-based time and attendance management on remote work make workers’ check-in and checkout journeys tech-friendly and paperless. They enhance convenience, help determine accurate payouts, regulate paid time off, and more.

Today, biometric time tracking provides optimal advantages compared to traditional systems as it is spoof-proof and tamperproof.

Schedule a demo with us to learn more about contactless biometric attendance and access management solutions or implement them in your organization.

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